A natural house is for me the ultimate summer house.

What I mean for natural house is:

A minimal house and with this term I mean a house made of few pieces, very easy to handle and especially where flows lots of energy.

The materials are the plus to aim and for this reason I choose materials such as:

Rope, rattan, wood, cane, linen, cottons, macramé.


White, beige tones, sand color and ecru.

Lighting is not less, warm light and lampshades on line with the materials mentioned before.

You can read the post I made about the lighting in Ibiza for example, in the picture there’s a lot of cues with elements I talk about in this article too. I’d put also rice paper lampshades in this style, but not for a beach house because it would get moldy from humidity. For this reason be careful which materials you choose based on where you live.

Waking up in a neutral environment where you put only a couple of colors in nuance have a great power of lightness and freshness. Especially for mind and soul. You don’t need anything else.

Mats and raw carpets, not ironed linen, cushions thrown on comfortable sofas ready to receive us, this has to be the mood of this style. If not necessary, I wouldn’t use curtains.

Also from the reed of the terrace morning light will filter while having breakfast outside and the reed will look imperfect, even if it’ll be new.

The raw carpet will have some thread that leans over… and our placemat also, but all this will give naturalness. Remember that all made by nature is imperfect. And even we are… we could take the chance to let go our free spirit, at least on holiday. This style is for people who want to be barefoot when he’s on vacancy, happy even if the straw bag is left on the entry, where we’re more aware of the ambient, to nature and to the health.

Where the knick-knack are made of shells or candles or vases with some succulents. Recycled elements mostly.

home decor natural style

I would always put our pictures in every environment; especially in a house minimal of objects and paintings it would risk to be less personal. And we love to personalize.

We can’t miss some maxi photo on the walls, ours or our family’s, and if you can, use sepia tones, and it will match the rest of the house.

Follow a style, if you put color photos, all will be the same, vice versa if black and white or sepia.

Also dimensions count. If the walls are empty, it’s beautiful a maxi photo or a dozen of picture all with the same frame put in a certain order, on the internet you can find lots of ideas on how to inspire or to decorate with pictures. Take cues.

Another important thing: put some mirror.

House will gain light and energy, plus it’ll be useful.

If you like the style I can suggest also some shelves made with logs of real trees.

Obviously we have to find them and assemble them, it takes a little fingering but this gives a wow effect to our house.

Using our touch in a house not only will give us a great pleasure but also will make us save some money, and in exchange will invest our time, but who knows, maybe it’ll bring out a masterpiece.

As I always make notice, it happens that we do shopping and buy dresses that we don’t wear more than once, while I guarantee that to the refresh a room it takes a lot less, and it give us a longer benefit, because we live in that room everyday of our life.

The style I’ve talked about in this article has a contained cost for a greater result but if you want something original you have to personally engage to the research of the materials and a little of do it yourself.

But one thing is sure, the final effect it’s going to pay off, and you’ll agree.

If you decide to buy a second house, don’t move everything you don’t like and that you don’t need in the house you already own.

You’ll have a series of things that don’t have anything to do with each other. Think about it with a minimal mind and if you miss anything you have in your townhouse that can be nice here, as pictures or cache pot for plants, and then bring it on.

But don’t do vice versa. The result won’t be good and you won’t obtain the wished effect.

See you next time… with Style! Definitely yours!

Viviana Grunert

Board Photo:
Viviana Grunert






