Some article ago, I mentioned that soon I would have done a post on how this blog’s idea was born, and as promised, here it is.
The blog was born while I was reading a book and this is one of my favorite quotes:
“If you take care of your things, you take care of yourself”.
Marie Kondo
She’s the author of one of the book that made me change and the book is called “The life-changing power of tidying up”. It’s an awesome book because at the end, in the last chapters, the author talks about how this method changes your life.
I can’t tell you what happened to me but I can tell you facts. Facts are that in the last year, I read only at night, and often that is the moment where I concentrate to do things at the computer, so I spent two months to read this book, only a few pages at night. Another thing is a practical book and I applied quite a lot, even if I’m convinced I can do more.
While I was reading, in the next days I tried to follow Marie’s advices on decluttering. It is as she says. Crazy! I was able to throw away and give things that were there from years. But at the half of the book I felt lighter, and an afternoon when I was alone at home and I was tidying up I had this idea of this Blog and this online space.
But it’s not done, it happens that the same night I was turning some pages and I come up to the chapter entitled of how this method changes life. And I told myself: WOW!
I don’t know whether it changes my life or not but I’m fine… now that I take off so many material things there’s so much space left in my mind.
This is the story of the birth of this blog.
Simply in a decluttering afternoon.
In the book I found different quotes that represented me and one of them is this, how to take care of the things we have, otherwise if we don’t like them anymore, if they’re not part of us anymore, it’s better to donate them to someone that loved them as much as we did before and creating another circle of energy.
If there’s energy not only we’ll be fine but also our mind will be ready to find new creative incentives.
Viviana Grunert