As I told you on my Facebook page this morning, the other day I’ve been in a shop in Ibiza where you absolutely have to go, it’s a concept store actually, you can buy food, dresses, décor and so much more, it’s called Sluiz.

It gave me so many inspiration cues, including how much lighting is important at home but also open air, in our open spaces.

The lighting today plays a fundamental rule, not anymore a lamp that droops from the ceiling but near this object spin around design objects super technologic for shape and dimension.

Some of them you don’t neither understand they’re lamps, they are a combination of lights that hang from the ceiling in threads as suspended Christmas trees, others are cashed in the false ceiling, others look like spaceships, like Artemide’s in the house I’m staying in now in Ibiza… etc. etc.

At the Salone del Mobile in Milan this year there were 2 pavilions entirely dedicated to lightning and I literally went crazy.

I’ve taken 300-400 pictures, I’m not exaggerating.

Obviously thinking about lightning now is not only the object we are going to put in our house but also the atmosphere that we’re going to create for the people who live there. For this reason it’s important to control the intensity of light that for me remains the most innovative invention in the lightning theme.

Having a certain intensity of light in each place I need it in that moment is not a trivial thing.

If I’m watching TV or I’m eating or reading… I’ll have 3 different intensities, for sight, but also for the atmosphere I want to create.

A soft light, almost like burning candles on the background, surely will give me a different comfort rather than 100W of white light.

Having said that, I wanted to talk about these suspension lamps that I put on the Board, where and how to use them.

Here in Ibiza they are used mostly in Finca, which is a country house.

Some of them are the top of design, others are really minimalist, but the majority of them are well refined.

On the outside of these houses there’s countryside or there are gardens, with the appropriate arbor that repairs from the sun.

Luci per giardino

And just for these arbors they have been thought a series of lights that hang down creating an amazing effect.

I like them very much. As you see, I’ve taken some pictures, each of them has a shape, materials and different characteristics, from the most minimal, with the bulb on sight, to the most stuffed, to the ones in shard, to the ones in metal.

The function remains the same, but it’s up to us choosing the effect we want to obtain.

From here depend you choose the colors you want to use and the numbers of lamps you’re going to position.

Surely every choose we’ll make, will give a different effect for our angle.

The effect I see is, whether it’s a terrace or a garden, to be romantic, magic, and most of all a perfect style for a summer night with an open air dinner.

Imagine coming to your friends, of which you don’t know the house, and you find a corner of the backyard or the terrace, with an arbor with green and these lights that fall down, you choose what you like. The table is all set in tone with the color lights… a mix&match perfectly cured. Would you like it? I would. I found it gorgeous.

Summer is the season of enchanting, of stars to look at, of terraces to live… and suffused lights to admire. Create your own starry sky and let us be amazed by the few elements that can give us lots of magic. And always remember: Less is more.

See you next time… with Style! Definitely yours!

Viviana Grunert


