Christmas holidays are over but I want to tell you what I’ve done and how I spent these happy days with my family, without missing the twists.
Immediately after Christmas we left for Trentino, the mountains that I love so much and that relax me so much too and that we revisit every year in this period.
This year for the first time we decided to spend 2 weeks in Andalo.
The mountain is an excellent chance for us to slow down the rhythms and focus on slow times, on food, on walks, on trips.
Giacomo and I don’t always go ski, the first days we arrive we walk a lot and we love getting lost in these magical landscapes.
This year has been particularly magic, it started snowing the night we came, and indeed I posted on my Facebook page a short video of snow falling heavily. Although it was dark you could clearly see how intense it was.
This is magic for me.
It’s been years since I saw snowing heavily like that.
The sceneries were all white, the groves were snow-covered and the trees were crystallized, with that veil of ice around that made them glow under the sun.
In the morning I’ve got a refill of homemade raspberry juice and a fresh berry yogurt.
The genuine things you can find here, with marmalade and fresh butter, have another taste and they’ll make you taste the mountains rhythms that are different from the ones we live in the city, too much hectic.
One day we went visiting Trento, we took a walk in the center, and we saw all its streets, the Christmas market and the Muse, the science museum of Renzo Piano that I invite you to visit once in a while. If you pass by here you have to stop for some hours.
Architecturally it’s very beautiful and innovative, with modern technics as warming and sustainability are concerned; but also adventurous for children, where they can contend with the different laboratories that leaves every hour and that are useful for the adults too.
Luna had a lot of fun with her Girl Scout backpack and she learned a lot of things.
Generally, in the mountains, Luna goes skiing all day long, she goes skiing since she was 3, and it’s a sport that she truly loves. And this year on 31 December, during the last downhill of the day, she broke her tibia.
It’s been a moment of great concern until I saw her coming back, and she was back with us, because unfortunately we had to wait assistance, but when I hugged her I was so happy, she could have been very injured, but a leg can be fixed.
You must have a double dose of patience, of which I filled up the days before enjoying our hiking and emptying my mind.
So in the end we came back to the hospital on 31 December and we celebrate and toasted to the end and new year that in 3…2…1… has come!
We had to come back in Rome on 7 January but we anticipate the date on 4, right after the plaster… and I must say we had numerous experiences that we won’t easily forget.
Being in a wheel-chair is not easy, I didn’t expect infinite architectural barriers and often we had to give up doing things or going somewhere because not habitable or too much uncomfortable.
But you think, you think a lot about a lot of things… first of all: we’re so lucky.
The mood is good, Luna is a strong young girl and always positive and we have a good predisposition to changes in family so we’re living the leg break as an adventure to tell and probably with a message to raise awareness in a society still too much careless about who lives in a wheel chair.
The year starts with plenty of dreams and goals.
The 2017 closes positively, and speaking the truth, although it’s been a year that I haven’t loved, before leaving for the vacancies I drew up the “successes” of this year but I realized that it gave me some changes that I’m proud of, because I look for them and strongly wanted them.
An intense year, in some ways suffered, because every change comes through a certain path, generally of suffering or reflecting. For this reason I think it’s a year of success.
If I can give you an advice, always remember to write down your wishes, dreams, goals… and sometimes read it so you’ll have the focus and the direction to achieve anything you want.
But the biggest suggest is to take out pen and paper as soon as you can and make a list of everything that the year gave you, and thank it.
We’re still here writing and reading and this already is a sufficient reason to do it.
The year started some days ago and everything has started again.
A new year to write, new pages to share and stories to tell.
I’m happy to share all this with you!
Viviana Grunert