Christmas is magic, energy, atmosphere…and everything starts with the first Sunday of Advent.

I selected 10 absolute Must before Christmas, a sweet cuddle for yourself, your family and the environment around you.

1) Something red or Tartan:

That is a detail, a decoration, a decor as well as food or fruit (would you like a great fruit bowl of beautiful pomegranates?) that with its originality goes to make your home precious.

2) Garland:
The garland is an inevitable must, even more this winter. Original and colorful decorative element that accompanies our homes and our daily life every year and embellishes them with red berries, mistletoe, holly, pinecones and anything that is in theme with your decorations.

You can choose one already ready or try to make one of your own.

3) Gingerbread cookies:

The biscuits (even the traditional ones) are perfect for children’s snacks or to accompany them to a hot tea with your friends to slow down in the running of these holidays.

You could also use them as tree decorations, thus giving an exclusive and personalized touch.

4) Balls

Not just on the tree!

The decoration par excellence…that can become a perfect decoration in total versatility, for the table in gold for example…or on a furniture, so as to make it in perfect Christmas Style, or even to make our bookcases and our foyer precious.

5) Make the tree:

For me the tree is the main element of Christmas, every year we dedicate the maximum care and attention and can’t miss. The accompaniment of the home Style is essential and that it is bright.

Personally I prefer a minimalist Style, essential and with attention to detail, for example to make it in tone with the dominant colors of the house.

6) Fireplace and Epiphany stocking:

The fireplace is atmosphere and during the Christmas holidays the tree is the heart of the party, so it must be dressed in lights and decorations. If you don’t have a fireplace, you can prepare a dedicated shelf, thus simulating the warmth with lighted candles and stimulating the imagination, it is an excellent mantra not only for the sight but also for the mind!

Instead…whether or not you have the fireplace, whether it is wool, fabric or paper, the Befana stocking is a symbol that nourishes dreams and desires and what better time to increase them!

7) Candles:

The candles are a must for the whole year, they accompany our relaxing moments, warm the environment with their scents and colors and we can inspire in the Christmas selection. You can use them to give light to the table or to illuminate the window from which Santa will arrive, I’ve scattered them everywhere.

8) Packages and stars:

The most beautiful part of the presents you know, is the package. For me, who are passionate about details and details, creating and taking care of every package is an integral part of the same gift. The thought is important, but also the way to present it, the essential finishing of the gift.

You can choose to customize it or make it tailored for everyone. Let’s bet also on stars, simple wood or LED lights one, which can be stored and used as Christmas gadgets.

A gift made with heart is always more precious!

9) The Christmas To Do List:
The goal is to get to Christmas enjoying the holidays and not be caught unprepared and breathless for everyday things that we can manage gradually.
The To Do List that I use is the same, for different uses, whether it is the list of Christmas gifts that I have to do, or all the activities I will do before Christmas, what is important is to have my list in perfect Christmas Style.

If you like the Christmas To Do List and want to use it, you can find it at this link:

10) Mise En Place:

“Last but not least” is the mise en place of the holidays.

From red to gold, through white and silver…what is essential is have a beautiful table, but not redundant, practical and not necessarily set, but certainly sparkling, if you have pieces of silver this is the time to polish them properly.
So think about it and prepare it with care and time.

Unmissable placeholders that you can also customize and make by hand, combined with tone-on napkins and matching mats.

With these “Dettagli di Stile” of my preparation for Christmas, I wish you colorful and warm holidays always with Style…definitely yours!

Ps: Do you want the wish list for Santa?
It’s a gift for you, if you missed it you can find it here:

Viviana Grunert

